
OJ Same Day appliance repairs Expert with 25 years of experience

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7 days 8 AM - 9 PM

Washing Machine Repair

Washing Machine Repair Service

A washing machine is now a valuable appliance for our home. It not only saves our time but also helps us to reduce our physical effort. Sometimes we can’t understand the original value of a machine until its breaks down. At OJ Same Day Appliance Repairs, we are offering you a superior washing machine repairing service.

When it stops working, you can’t wait for too long to repair it, and why should you wait for too long when it can be repaired today. Only call OJ Same Day Appliance Repairs, and our experienced washing machine repair experts will reach you at the right moment with no delay.

We don’t want your laundry to pile up because of this broken washer, so we offer our customers the same day on-time service. Call us at 954-536-9180 or schedule an online appointment now to get the fastest service.


Frequently Asked Questions:

  • What is the average cost of repairing a washing machine?

The cost of repairing a washer depends on what part needs repair. Replacing the washer gear costs more money than replacing the water level sensor, which is the most common problem that we observed in a washer. However, the ranges vary from $150-$300.


  • Is it worth repairing a Washing machine?

If the age of your washer is less than 10 years, and the repairing cost is less than half of the buying a new machine, then you can give a thought to repairing it. A quick fixing always is more effective than replacing the whole washer. Many washer repairing cost is also low so, it will be beneficial for you too.


  • What is more effective- repairing a washing machine or buy a new one?

A good washer may not break down frequently. So a quick fixing is always more effective than replacing the whole washer. Washing machine repair is more beneficial when the repairing cost is less than 50% of buying a new one.


  • How long does the washing machine last?

The expected life expectancy of a washing machine is 10-15 years. Consumer reports suggest that you should repair your appliances, which is more than eight years old unless it is a good model and working perfectly.


  • Why won’t my washing machine drain?

If your washing machine won’t drain, maybe the drain hose/pump is either clogged or broken. It often happens when you wash something that has a lot of fabric fibers.

washing machine repair issues

Common Issues of the Washing Machine:

  • The washing machine is not running properly
  • The washer is dead and not even turn on
  • The washing machine is not spinning properly
  • Leaking issue
  • Too much vibration
  • Washer taking too long to wash
  • Washer not draining
  • Clothes are getting ripped
  • No hot or cold water

What Type of Washing Machine Do We Repair?

  • Top loading washing machines
  • Front loading washing machines
  • Combination units
  • Compact washing machines

Washing Machine Brands We Commonly Service:

    • Samsung
    • Whirlpool
    • Maytag
    • Bosch
    • Frigidaire
    • LG
    • And more!
    • GE

    It does not matter what brand of washer you use in your house. Our appliance repair experts team will reach you and fix all the problems you have with your appliance.

Washing Machine Maintenance Tips:

  • There are some tips that you should follow to increase the life span of your washer.General usage tips to follow:
    • Don’t overload the washer
    • Use the right amount of detergent
    • Remove the laundry after the cycle has finished

    If you follow these some general tips then, it will be helpful for you. If you find any issue after this with your washing machine, contact a washing machine repair expert as soon as possible.

washing machine maintenance tips

Why are you still waiting when OJ Same Day Appliance Repairs are here to provide you the same day on-time service with no delay?

Please call us at 954-536-9180 or schedule an online appointment now to get the fastest service.

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