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How to Repair a Leaking Washing Machine

Expert Guide on Repairing a Leaking Washing Machine

leaking washing machine can be a nightmare for any household. Just imagine waking up late for the office only to greet a dysfunctional washing machine. How would you react? Well, you don’t have to panic because of that as we will talk about how to fix a leaking washing machine. And you might not need the solutions right away.

But, there is no harm in learning the basics of repairing a ruined washing machine, right! This article will brief you about the nooks and corners of washing machine repair.

Check Our Expert Guide on Repairing a Leaking Washing Machine

Required Tools for Repairing a Leaking Washing Machine

To begin the repairing process of a leaking washing machine, you need to know which portion of your washing machine you need to repair. If the problem is repairable with some repairing substances, you can do that. Otherwise, you need to get the spare parts from a plumbing store and replace the broken or damaged parts.

Apart from that, you need a few plumbing tools, such as 4 in 1 screwdriver, adjustable wrench, hammer, putty life, socket or ratchet set, and slip-joint pliers. These things you will get effortlessly from the local plumbing shop.

Step by Step Guide of Washing Machine Repair 

Before you start the repairing process of a leaking washing machine, you need to start looking for the faulty area. So, check the machine, including the electric plug points. There are two types of washing machine repair: direct drive and belt drive. And how do you know that your washing machine is a direct drive or a belt drive?
The process is quite simple. If there is no belt after opening up the cabinet then it is a direct drive washing machine. However, the repairing method is the same for both washing machines.

1. Turn off the water source and unscrew the supply hoses. You can unscrew the hoses from the back of the machine with adjustable pliers and remove the old washers with a flat blade screwdriver.

2. Even after changing the hoses if the machine leaks water, you can unscrew the access panel by opening the cabinet. Fill up the washing machine and check if water is leaking. You can agitate the washing machine and check once again.

3. If you find a leaking hose within the washer, remove it by squeezing the hose clamp together and sliding it down the hose. After removing the damaged hose, replace it with a new one.

4. A leaky pump can also cause the washing machine leaking from the bottom left. You can identify the problem by disconnecting the power and water supply. After that, stand the washing machine up against the wall and block up this with a car jack. Once the washing machine is under your control, check the belt. If you spot the belt is worn out or in dark condition, replace it.

5. The tight adjustment on the belt can be a reason for leakage. So, loosen the two motor mounting bolts and release tension from the belt.

6. Worn-out pump hoses lead to leakage from the washing machine. So, unscrew the pump mounting bolts and disconnect the old pump to install a new one. Make sure to tighten the rear motor mounting bolt.

7. Another frequent problem is the top-loading washing machine leaking from the bottom. So, you need to check the residual areas that can generate leakage in the washing machine. Lift the lid with a small putty knife between the washer lid and the cabinet to lift the lid. Then release both the catches and fold the lid back.

8. Once you open the lid, remove the tub ring clips and keep them aside. Now focus on the agitator cap by unscrewing the agitator cap. Then you have to separate the inner tube from the outer tub. You can use the spanner wrench to free the spanner nut. Once the two tubs separate, take out the inner tub and remove the old tub seals. Now, you have to loosen the drive block carefully to lift the outer tub from the cabinet.

9. After removing the outer tub, you will see the air dome. You have to replace the old air dome with a new one. If the leakage happens when the machine is in action, then the problem is probably in the post gasket. So, squeeze and pull the post gasket from the bottom of the outer tub and install a new one.

10. After changing all the faulty parts, reassemble the washing machine for a complete inspection.

However, even after checking all the parameters, your washing machine may leak water. In that case, consulting a professional plumber with expertise in washing machine repair will be the best solution. 

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